Thursday, March 31, 2022

Listening to Tunes

A key part of our editing progress is our music. The music we use in a thriller film can greatly affect the film. Usually, the music used in thriller movies has no lyrics. This is for the audience to focus on the scene itself. My first idea was to go on Youtube and find non-copyrighted music. This is to avoid endless emails to musician artists. There is no guarantee any artist I email will respond in a timely manner or at all. To avoid this my group decided going on youtube would be ideal. When searching on Youtube I searched for "ominous music", "spooky music", and "suspense music". This is to limit the endless search for music. In addition, it was very effective to find music that fit into our genre. There were some that seemed more fitting to hallowed. After listening to many soundtracks I found three audios that would be good for the film. My teammates. researched as well and presented audios they liked themselves. We unanimously agreed on the audios I chose. This audio was labeled " NO COPYRIGHT Cinematic Trailer Background Music (Dark, Thriller, Scary, Horror). This audio was perfect considering that it was copyright free. This made this soundtrack the perfect choice considering it focused On the thriller genre. This soundtrack will be great for our film!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Finishing What We Started

It is now time to finish what we started! After several editorial changes, there are still more to make. Although our skills are still a work in progress we can still strive for greatness. In today's to-do list we have planned to fix our mistakes in appearance. This is to adjust lighting changes. In scenes where the suspense was not focused on we altered the coloration to make the scene seem a lot happier. When suspense was being portrayed in the scene a dim dark light helped exemplify this. Doing this would provide a contrast in tone during each scene. A film that isn't difficult for the viewer to understand is essential, Which is why little changes like this can make a big difference, Although it is a simple edit it is very effective. The next thing we did was look at the pacing of the film. As I have previously stated the pacing of a film is very important. We noticed in some scenes it would beneficial to slow down the scene. We mostly did this in regards to the stalker and the creepy things she does. When speeding up some scenes this was to get rid of any awkward situations with a lack of commentary from the actors. These moments can be filled in with music but it is still best to shorten it, Throughout all the editorial changes being made it is still so important to recognize the time limit we must reach. It is important to not go over the time limit to follow Cambridge regulations and policies. The editing process is where things start to piece together, The vision starts becoming a product and the final piece is soon to come. As of now, there isn't anything that comes to mind to edit out or in. In the future, there may be. As a team, we are open-minded about the changes that are soon to come. We are so close to finishing what we started.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Editing to the Max

 It's now time to start editing! On the previous days of production, I filmed several scenes to accommodate the needs of this film, When previously filming I jotted down what needed to be fixed during the editing process. No matter how well a scene can be filmed some things need to be fixed artificially. This includes things such as lighting and sound. Considering our genre lighting and sound is very important. It adds to the suspense of the film by emphasizing a darker setting and eery noises. In the thriller genre usually, dark lighting is used to leave the viewer on the edge of their seat. It leaves them with a sense of fear and anxiety as to what is going to come. Emphasizing the suspense in the film is the most important. As per usual we deleted scenes that were for backup shots and were needed. Referencing the notes that I took when filming I knew the order of some scenes may need to be altered. This is due to some scenes being used as insert shots or establishing shots. Establishing shots are very important to the film to let the audience know where the setting of the film is. This is to eliminate any confusion for the audience. To remain within the time limit of the film we shorten some clips to not create any awkward pausing. The pacing of a film in the thriller genre is extremely important. When there are unnecessary pauses the audience may overanalyze this pause. This would overshadow the actual focus of the film and what the scene entails. Today we got a lot done. On our next day of editing, we will focus on adding in sound, editing the lighting, and some other editorial changes.

Monday, March 14, 2022

A Piece in Progress

 It is now our next day of filming! As exciting as the filming process can be there is a lot that is needed to be done. For example, there are still some scenes filmed that were not ideal. On our second day of filming,t we focused on our title sequence scene. A title sequence is where the name of the film is stated as well as the names of the cast members and the production team. We wanted an easy segway to our title sequence to not make our film seem choppy. There were various ways we can segway into the title scene. For starters, we can do a classic fade into the title screen. Although this is a classic it is also very boring so this option inst ideal. To keep different alternatives of what would be good for our film we filmed several endings. Although they followed the storyline we filmed from different angles and perspectives of each character. We even filmed the perspective of inanimate objects to give a different outlook on the scene. Due to our busy schedule, we knew today would most likely be our last day to film. Therefore after filming we looked over the scene we go to see if each scene would be of use. Some scenes we disregarded for their lack of audio focus on the actor's dialogue. As well as out of respect for the public bystanders we deleted scenes that had pedestrians in the background to protect their identity. This was a decision to respect the privacy of these civilians as well as minor safety. Considering we were filming at a park there were young girls at the park, Today was a great filming day! The scene we got was overall exceptional and of high quality. I can't wait to start editing!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Filming Memories

 After the previous miscommunication on our schedule, we have prepared a day to start filming and that was today. As students, we tend to struggle with managing outside activities and school assignments. This obstacle including our inability to legally drive has made it hard for us to film, Luckily a close friend of mine who can legally drive offered to take us to our filming location. When we first got there our actors Lucy, Mia, and Willow changed into costumes that fit their characters more. This was to portray the essence of the character well. Since Willow was a stalker trying to not be seen we had her dress in sunglasses and a hat. This was essential to hide the stalker from being identified in any way. In addition to that willow wore headphones to fit into the stereotypical jogger who is listening to music. Sadly for our filming project, our actor mia forgot to bring workout clothes to the set so we had to make a change in the script. Knowingly so it would seem odd for a person to go jogging in jeans we addressed that in the dialogue throughout the scenes filmed. While filming I got a good look at the scenery around us. With a vision in my head and the storyboard to follow I knew where each scene should be taken at. We repeatedly filmed scenes multiple times to have backup shots. On the camera we were using to film I noticed that it had various options on how to film. The setting we use the most was called "Cinematic". This mode provided a high-definition quality recording. This setting was great to use since it had blurring features that help the audience distinguish what exactly they should be looking at. As the director, the blurring of certain characters is being used to represent the danger of what these girls will soon be victims of. Overall we knew that if some scenes filmed were not ideal we would refilm those scenes. This is something that is commonly done in the filming world. Overall it was a great day of filming!

Monday, March 7, 2022

An Error In Planning

 Things went wrong. Knowingly time passes a lot faster than you can perceive it. Before I knew it was time to film. When discussing filming days with my team we noticed an error in our scheduling. Considering our academic and social impact we have very busy schedules. Personally, I have work, sports, and also various school clubs to partake in. This is the same situation for my team members. Lucy and Willow both take part in the school band and have a practice that they cannot miss. As well as the upcoming spring break that prohibits us from filming during that week. These excuses simply cannot work so we have all agreed to free up space in our schedule because this project is wayyyy more important. When recognizing this issue our first concern was to find days in our schedule that we were available. Even if it was only for an hour any time span was beneficial. A lot can get done in an hour. I recognized that although I have other activities outside of school to do, this project is my first priority. To prioritize my team and this assignment I will be delaying my tutoring session. Since willow and mia won't be able to drive to our filming location they will be riding on Lucy's and I's the bus. Legally they cannot ride on our bus so they would need a bus pass. On Thursday the day of filming, they will be getting a bus pass to later come on our bus. Hopefully, things go smoothly since we are on a time crunch. If things don't work out we will use Friday as backup filming day.

Friday, March 4, 2022


Sheet 1:

On this sheet, the scenes at the park are shown. We have an establishing shot, different tracking shots, and insert shots to depict the scene of the park and the first sitting of the film. Throughout this sheet, viewers with being introduced to the protagonists of the film and the antagonist the mysterious stalker. Friend that hasn't seen each other are reunited at last but someone is prepared to ruin their fun.


Sheet 2:

On this sheet, after reconnecting, running, and catching up on their past they take a break at the playground of the park. Taking their water break at the swingset they can't help but feel exhausted. wanting to go home they have set their mind to go to lucy's house. The mysterious stalker here's this conversation and proceeds to follow them

Sheet 3:

The protagonist is walking to Lucy's house after a very long day. Getting their workout in on that run they are ready to relax and leave the park. On their way out the mysterious stalker follows them standing feet away from them. Subtle footsteps and noises made by the stalker are heard but not questioned When finally arriving at lucy's house lucy remembers that she forgotten her keys and sadly nobody is home


Sheet 4:

Recognizing nobody is hope plans are changed instead they decide to hang out outside in the backyard. Footsteps behind them were heard by Mia, expressing her concerns to Lucy she got brushed off. To lucy, that noise was made by her pet chicken but Mia thought otherwise


Sheet 5:

Little did they know they were being followed and Lucy's stalkers is now back. Ready to strike their attack Willow (the stalker) watched the girls from over the fence. Planning their next move for action willow was ready to strike their attack. 


Critical Reflection

  The film Atelophobia was inspired by its definition.; The fear of being imperfect. This definition was entirely different that an obsessiv...