Friday, January 13, 2023



This is the home of Lola. Lola and Clara have been best friends since childhood. Lola gets ready to hangout with friends by picking out her outfits. Outfits that were not selected were thrown on the floor and beauty props were scattered across the room.



Atelophobia; The fear of imperfection. As a young child, women were taught how to act, speak, and look. We were exposed to models that we looked nothing like and were told their body was our goal. We were never taught that it's okay to be imperfect, it's okay to have flaws.  We were never told that the standard of beauty is not definite and we are the ones who define it, and we never saw our own beauty.


Lola and Clara’s friend group meets for brunch. They have casual conversation while making jokes. Although they are all friends, not everyone in the group has the best personality.


(spoken dialogue)

Cute top Sophi! Where did you get it?


Thanks! Ummm….. I am not really sure. It was either Pacsun or Urban. You can borrow it sometime. I'm not sure it would fit you though.


Woah Sophi!. Don't be so rude I would kill to have Lola’s body.

The rest of the group conversation continues but Lola becomes very distant.  Lola seems inattentive as if her mind is elsewhere. When the food arrives everyone but Lola is eating their food.


Hey Lola you barely touched your food are you gonna finish that?


I’m stuffed honestly. You can have the rest if you want


Don't have to tell me twice. Pass that here!

Int Lola’s Home - Night

The scene cuts to Lola at home in her kitchen. She looks distressed rummaging frantically through her kitchen. Lola grabs food out of the fridge and pantry and quickly runs up the stairs to her room. When she arrives to her room she is impulsively eating lots of food

After she is done Lola goes to the bathroom. Lola is in the bathroom carefully examining herself in the bathroom. She touches her stomach, arms, and legs with a face full of disgust. She starts profusely crying thinking of the comment her “friend” Sophi said earlier. She starts forcing herself to throw up what little she ate throughout the day.

Int Home- Morning

Months Later Lola’s Mom found out about her once secret. Crying profusely her mother is in shock. She can’t fathom how she didn’t know sooner. They argue continuously until they both agree for recovery. Lola is hesitant but she doesn’t want to deal with this mental torment.



 I can't believe you have been doing this

Baby you’re perfect. Your body is perfect. Why are you starving yourself

Lola stares blankly at her Mom. She can't come up with the right words to say . She starts choking up crying. Throughout all the guilt coursing through her heart she feels relieved. Like so much weight has been lifted off her chest and she can finally breathe.



What? Do you think I like living like this? That I chose to feel like this? Look like this? I just want to feel normal and loved-


I love you. You are worth more than this. You are perfect just the way you are


I don;t need help! I just want to feel normal. I don't see myself when I look in the mirror anymore. I stare at a whole different person and I ask myself where I went wrong. 


 Your Father and I are going to get you help. You’ll meet a therapist who can actually help

Lola’s mom quickly grabs her and hugs her. They finish the conversation both in tears as they both only want her to recover.

Int Cafe - Mid Day

Months later Lola has a new relationship with food. She is healthy and happy and sees the world in new colors. She can freely eat out with friends without worrying about her consequences when she gets home.


We are all born beautiful. The greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not. We look back at victims of this and we ask ourselves were they too soft or was the world too harsh. But Lola learned that she must step into the path of growth. That in the end you are fighting for you. And that you need to love yourself first before someone else can love you.Lily collins says it best  “Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. It’s one of the bravest things you can do” 

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Critical Reflection

  The film Atelophobia was inspired by its definition.; The fear of being imperfect. This definition was entirely different that an obsessiv...